

7Natures gourmet world

Recently, the word "gourmet" has become increasingly fashionable and synonymous with quality, style and lifestyle. The roots of "gourmet" food and drinks can be found in France, where this was the name given to the unsurpassed connoisseurs of good cuisine and high-quality beverages in the Middle Ages. Gourmet coffee, wine, tea, food, etc... all accompany the modern man's life. But is it so? Modern followers of the art of food and drink connoisseurship are no longer ordinary gourmands. The idea of gourmet - the art of food and drink, is a new challenge to those who are not satisfied with what is offered all around them. True gourmet connoisseurs train their senses to separate the stylish from the tasteless, the sophisticated from the kitsch, and the vulgar from the precious.

However, our society sometimes blurs the criteria for quality, whether it's food or drinks. And in moments of crisis, such as have been hitting us one after another in recent years, even some will find it strange to talk about gourmet. 
Respecting yourself and what you do, doing it with love and with the idea that it is unique, is also part of the art of living elegantly. And although the gourmet culture goes with its imposed definition of an expensive pleasure, it is good not to forget the most important thing, namely - the desire to create the right criteria not only for what we will eat or drink but also to be able to, or at least to we look for ways to please our senses.

The art of gourmet can easily be compared to the natural talent of an artist or the perfect ear of a composer. The skills to create a symphony of tastes, aromas and sensations that not only suit the entire atmosphere of the evening but also match your mood, the weather outside the windows, the lady or gentleman next to you and even match your partner's outfit, is considered extremely complex and supreme craftsmanship.


For gourmet masters, every detail is essential. And what is valuable here is not strict conservatism and compliance with rules, but free improvisation, including an explosion of flavors and a creative approach to their creation. For example, a true gourmet expert will mix seemingly incompatible products so that you feel the world around you in a new, different and unique way.

It's an old rule that the more food a country has, the simpler its national cuisine. For example, it won't be easy to find gourmet connoisseurs on the island of Tahiti. Polynesians simply grill bananas and pigs, boil seafood and pour coconut juice over it. And in Vietnam, they eat everything that runs, jumps and flies, and here we will be surprised by the combination of products in the most unexpected combinations, for example - the dish "Battle of a tiger with a dragon", that is, a dish of meat of a cat and a snake. If we turn to China, their master chefs demonstrate supreme craftsmanship by cooking chicken like pork, pork like fish, and fish like chicken, not forgetting soy on top of it all. If we look at America, the typical American has long preferred bloody steak, french fries, doughnuts and Coke to fine dining.

In the modern world, to call someone a true gourmet master, connoisseur of fine food, wine and lifestyle in general, it is no longer enough to have a lot of money and love food. For example, suppose in the Hermitage in Paris, Rembrandt's Danae looks like a naked and fat old lady to the average person. In that case, the art expert will read all the signs and will be able to demonstrate impeccable taste in every single detail. So it is with the art of food and drink and the lifestyle called GOURMET.


So, about our store and our love for all things different. We are two friends, George and Andre, "dinosaurs" in making our lives a little different, more excellent, more colorful, tastier, more aromatic and more exciting. Small pleasures are sometimes the "salt" we can't live without. In the last 30 years, we have learned to know the difference, the valuable, the one that can erase a bad day from our minds and make us smile, what will make our partner happy. Our experience of the trade, wine, and gourmet passed imperceptibly and combined with design, poetry and art. We value nature and its gifts, and we think that natural products are the colors of the pictures we want to paint. That's why we created the "7Natures" brand. Why 7... because each of us has at least 7 natures, wanting differently, being able differently, liking different colors and tastes. Nature is multi-colored, life is multi-colored, and let's make our everyday life multi-colored.

Enjoy what we have to offer, and we'd appreciate it if you let us know what we're missing, what you'd like to have, and what you're excited about. Our assortment will constantly increase because we "waste" our days finding the different and the valuable. So let's reinvent the gourmet lifestyle together. We invite you on board.

         by George and Andre


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